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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lexus Challenge Bio Bottle

our group chose to compare organic and proccesed foods.
We plan on taking one bio bottle putting organic foods into it. then taking the other bio bottle and putting processed foods into it. we will measure the water for different chemicals and see what hapeens to the wate r with each type of food.
in our bio bottle were testing or organic and prccesed foods. were testing them to see which has a greater effect on the water below. we are expecting the processed food to have more of a negative effect in the water due to the chemicals. while we expect the organic food to have more of a positive effect on the water.
our action project and river project are connected. they are connected because everything we throw away someway gets back to the water. so we are seeing what type of foods have better impact on t5he water when it gets there. people should eat more organic foods if it has a positive or less of an effect than that of the processed foods.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Eaton Rapids Water Treatment Center

Yesterday we went to the water treratment plant. they showed us how water was made to be drinkable. they take the water from underground wells. after they take it they put in chemicals such as chlorine to kill of all the bacteria. they take water samples of our school once a month. they take many field samples from all over the town. the water is stored in water towers that gives us the pressure. it is a good place to work apperantly.

Monday, September 13, 2010

City Water

City water either comes from nearby bodies of water or from underground aquifers. it is prosseced in water treatment plants where it removes harmful bacteria so that we are able to drink the water when its been cleaned.
Sewage can be treated close to where it is created in places such as biofilters or septic tanks or collected and transported by large networks of pipes to a municipal treatment plant. Industrial sources of wastewater often require specialized treatment processes.

how is the sewer water filtered?
how long does it take to filter the sewer water?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Footprint Blog
Sure good for all ages
My footprint  is 32 out of 100
Recycle more drive less and  use less electricity
If our whole community used less resources then we would have a smaller impact on  the water shed. we can  do this by  recycling more and using a compost  instead of throwing everything  away  which pollutes thewater as it goes into rivers and lakes.